Huzzah for ambiguity! You all know too much already.
PLEASE come and enjoy yourself any time, all night.
The time that you are there dictates your experience.
Don't drink too much, and don't at all if you're underage.
Intermedia II 01J:091:001
Instructor: Jill Baker jill-baker@uiowa.edu
Intermedia is a broad term that encompasses contemporary art practices where media, content, meaning, site and the role of the artist are fluid and inseparable. The goal of Intermedia is to create works, experiences, sites and situations that are trans or cross disciplinary, experimental and imaginative, meaningful and socially responsible. Intermedia II will build on the content, theory and investigations of Intermedia I, allowing for further individual and collaborative experimentation, production and creative research.
the syllabus can be viewed on ICON at https://icon.uiowa.edu/
Upcoming Schedule:November 12 Observational Writing project and open house planning
November 17-19 Critiques, open house project proposal due
November 24-26 Thanksgiving Break
Dec 1-3 Open House planning days, critical review blog post due
Dec 5 Open House
Dec 8-15 final critiques, documentation of all work must be posted to the blog
1 comment:
This project really took me by surprise. I have seen your previous intermedia projects, and even though this one really has your style all over it, it wasn't something I expected. I'm not sure if that makes sense to you or not. But it's a good thing.
Anyhow, I love the invitation itself, just as something to have and look at occasionally. I think the contrast of using pictures of great literary minds in an invitation with no text is great. I can't really say what people who don't know what Kurt Vonnegut looks like would feel, but I think the visuals work on a different level for them.
I hope I can make it to the mysterious event.
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