Here are some events happening this week (and would be appropriate material for your required review). If you know of other art events going on, feel free to post.
Friday Sept. 12 Bill Viola at the Des Moines Art Center
and also in Des Moines on the same night ( I copied this from Van's blog and put it on ours):

Resident Artists are please to present Low Brow Elite, a new show featuring a collection of up and coming local artists working outside the realm of the inside art world. Low brow art is usually used to describe an underground movement. What starts out as a movement becomes a trend and then somehow loses its purity or becomes sold out. Resident artists beg the question: If this is art for the people, why are you trying to put it on a pedestal?
Resident Artists: Low Brow Elite
September 12, 2008 - 5:30-8:30 PM
Gateway Lofts -1719 Grand Ave. Des Moines, IA
Featuring The artwork of
Michelle Holley, Kyle Thye, Cat Rocketship, Alex Kuno, Patrick Cooney, Cool Aid, Chip
and collaboration work by Brent Houzenga and Van Holmgren
Sculpture by Annick Ibsen
Music by Scented Vinyl, Lindsay Donovan and The HoneyBees
Also Available to view by appointment.
Oxymoron Afterparty at Vaudeville Mews Featuring live painting all night by resident artists and musical performances by
Gaiden Gadema, Cleo’s Apartment, The HoneyBees, Lindsay Donovan and Hold For Swank
Doors at 9
Come to the opening at the Gateway Lofts and learn how to get into the after party for free
Sponsored by Gateway Lofts and Gateway Market
Sunday Sept 14 59 second Video Festival 7pm in Schaffer Hall (highly recommended!!)
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